05 January 2022
January Blues
Now Christmas is over, many of us will start to worry about our finances, particularly if we have overspent over the last month or so. Once the bills for Christmas expenses start arriving on your doormat, January can feel quite bleak, so what can you do about it?
A great place to start is to make a New Year resolution to get to grips with your financial circumstances; becoming a bit more financially resilient can help to ease your money worries.
At MCU we are always encouraging our members to save so that you have funds set aside should you need them during the year, and particularly at Christmas. An easy solution to help with Christmas expenditure is to start think ahead to Christmas 2022 now. Why not open a Christmas Saver Account with us and start putting a little bit of money away on a regular basis to help you pay for all the additional costs? You can find more details on our website on how to apply for an account.
Another option is to create a budget planner which helps you set out your household spending so you can see where you could potentially reduce your costs.
If you are generally struggling with your financial circumstances please consider contacting MoneyHelper, who we partner with, and who can offer you free and impartial debt advice. We feature some of their resources on our website like the ability to access free debt advice using a self-referral link.
We also feature other organisations who can help with debt advice, including National Debtline and StepChange, as well as information of where to find help for anyone affected by a Loan Shark.
Please don’t let your financial circumstances overwhelm you. Make that first step in taking back control of your money. Visit our website for more information on our services and resources.